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How did Generation Ag start?

Lavina: I had been in the Podcast space and the communications space as a PR and Social Media Consultant for Agricultural Businesses as well as being on the AgConnectWA committee at the time, I realised that there was a gap for sharing the stories of the agricultural industry.

Kayla: It had been on my mind since attending Innovation Generation in 2019 that we needed to do more to connect the youth in the industry. IG 2019 was amazing, but what about all the people who couldn’t attend for whatever reason? I shared my thoughts with Lavinia the day we met and we shared so many of the same views on this. We knew that there were so many other young people out there like us just looking for ways to connect and learn. And so, Generation Ag was born – a community for other young people passionate about food production and the future of it, the podcast is just the vehicle we have used to find these people.

What has been your favorite guest/topics so far?

Kayla: This question shouldn’t be allowed! They’re like our children! For me personally, it’s a tie between Farmer Tom (from Great Britain), and Byron Milne (an Agronomist from York, WA). They both give so much of themselves to their work, and in their interviews, and in turn, they make me want to do and be more.

Lavina: My favourite episodes would have to be with one of my best friends Tom Curnow as he shares a story that is close to my own heart when my local region of Scaddan was devastated with fires that spread across a 250km radius in 2015 and Tom’s fathers life was lost and I get to share a bit more of a personal experience.

What excites you about the future of Aussie agriculture?

Kayla: The people. When I look around me at the other youth in the industry right now, how can you not be excited? There is a cohort of incredibly innovative, motivated, and compassionate people coming up through the ranks right now and a future in agriculture with them leading the way is one I can’t wait to be a part of.

Lavina: The potential. There is so much innovation, research and development currently occurring in Agriculture that is going to change the way the future of the industry works. More than ever before we are talking about sustainability on farm and seeing farmers thinking, talking and changing practices to become leaders, do better and perform at the level our industry should be recognised for being at.

What are you looking forward to at Innovation Generation 2021?

Kayla: Am I allowed to say the people again? Innovation Generation is such a unique event in the calendar. GrainGrowers have created a space where young people can come to learn, network, feel inspired, and prepare to bust out the doors and have real impact after they leave. Whether you’re a grower, or working in industry, there’s something for everyone. Even better that this year, we’ll be there capturing it all from the floor!

Lavinia: This will be my first time attending the event, I am super excited to be in a room with likeminded young people from the grains industry from across the country. It will also be great to be live podcasting. There is nothing like meeting our guests in person and getting to have those connections to be able to tell their story.


Follow the GenerationAg socials to find out more

Kayla and Lavina have also been working hard to pull together GenerationAg’s first Coast Roadshow, coming in late 2021.