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GrainGrowers congratulates the Australian Labor Party on their victory in the Federal Election and looks forward to working in partnership with them to capitalise on the opportunities the powerhouse grains sector has to offer.

“We would like to congratulate Prime Minister Albanese and his team and are excited to be able to work together on some of the big issues affecting our growers at the moment including climate change and ensuring robust and regional communities can continue to thrive,” said Brett Hosking GrainGrowers Chair.

“Having been in regular contact with Julie Collins in her role as Shadow Agriculture Minister, I know she was keen to listen and understand some of the potential opportunities for our grains sector to continue to grow and serve the Australian economy. I am looking forward to working with the next Minister of Agriculture when appointed and being able to focus on outcomes that will benefit our growers which in turn, benefits all Australians through food security and thriving communities.”

“We look forward to continuing our discussions with the new government on a market inquiry of the grains supply chain and also investment opportunities into research and development that will continue to ensure growers can manage climate variability and continue to be conscientious stewards of the land.”

During the election campaign, GrainGrowers connected with candidates across all cropping electorates and looks forward to continuing the important discussions with those who have been elected.

“GrainGrowers would like to acknowledge all those who stood for election. Running for public office demonstrates a commitment to community that is to be admired and we thank all the candidates who put themselves out there,” said Hosking.

“We look forward to continuing to work with all parties on tacking the challenges and capitalising on the significant opportunities the work of Australian growers has for our economy and country.”

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