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GrainGrowers has made detailed requests for investment across six areas impacting growers: Carbon and Climate, People and Workforce, Biosecurity, Grain Freight and Supply Chains, Trade and Market Access, and Farm Inputs. These areas align with issues identified by growers across Australia through GrainGrowers' Annual Policy Survey.

This webinar discusses some of GrainGrowers' key funding requests under each area and growers are invited to ask questions.

When: Friday 1 March 2024 | 1-1.30pm (AEDT) Where: Online


Sean Cole

Advocacy and Rural Affairs Manager

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Sean Cole

Advocacy and Rural Affairs Manager

Sean has previously held executive roles focused on (but not limited to) grower advocacy, trading, export, manufacturing & supply chain. Having been CEO of CCW Co-operative Limited and spending the vast balance of his career in various trading and management roles within the grains sector, for various small, medium and large organisations, Sean is well-informed and passionate about working to help Australian Grain Growers prosper. Sean originally hails from South Australia and holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Adelaide. Sean also holds a GAICD qualification from the Australia Institute of Company Directors and has served actively on industry Boards and committees during his career

Jonathan Tuckfield

National Grower Engagement Manager

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Jonathan Tuckfield

National Grower Engagement Manager

Jonathan is located in Young NSW and is responsible for overseeing the Grower Engagement team across the country to drive membership connection and growth. He has had an extensive career in large corporations and small businesses in senior roles before joining NSW Farmers where he was appointed to lead membership which grew 6 straight years in a row. A graduate member of the AICD with over 20 years board experience with not for profits and charities, Jonathan is passionate about the success of member based for purpose organisations.

Find out more

GrainGrowers has provided a submission to Government ahead of the 2024-25 Federal Budget.

These requests are a constructive approach to investing in the on-going profitability, sustainability and resilience of Australian growers.

GrainGrowers Pre-Budget Submission 2024-25