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GrainGrowers Supports:

  • Increasing the capacity and efficiency of the supply chain to enhance Australia’s global competitiveness and ensure the long-term viability of the industry.
  • Regulatory frameworks that support a safe, competitive and efficient supply chain.
  • Increased harmonisation of road, rail and port regulation between jurisdictions that improves efficiency and reduces regulatory burden.
  • Collaboration between all levels of government and the grain industry to drive productivity and efficiency improvements in the grain freight sector.
  • A whole of network approach to improving Australia’s grain freight supply chain.
  • Sustainable funding models to ensure the resilience and reliability of critical infrastructure.
  • A collaborative approach between government and industry to identifying workforce shortages, ensuring training programs address future skills needs, and enhancing workforce diversity to address short-term and long-term requirements of the freight sector.
GrainGrowers Recognises:
  • High supply chain costs have a significant and direct impact on Australian grain growers and threaten the global competitiveness of the Australian grain industry.
  • Efficient and safe freight networks are vital for Australia’s grain industry.
  • As Australia’s national crop size continues to grow, to capitalise on higher prices, the industry’s supply chain must ensure there is sufficient capacity to handle the volumes of grains in a timely and cost-effective manner.
  • Australia’s recent record harvests have demonstrated the limitations of the current network capacity, in particular moving grain from site to port.
  • Effective competition is critical for reducing supply chain costs.
  • Systemic underfunding is impacting the efficiency, safety and resilience of critical regional road and rail infrastructure.
  • Poor quality infrastructure is inhibiting the adoption of more efficient freight technologies.
  • Regular maintenance is critical for the long-term resilience of road and rail infrastructure.
  • All levels of government have a role to play in helping Australia meet its future freight needs.
  • A lack of consistency across jurisdictions creates confusion and duplication, resulting in increased costs for operators.
  • Regulatory harmonisation must focus on improving both consistency and efficiency.
  • Government policy and regulation must be adaptive to new freight technologies and innovations.
  • Increasing climate variability is having a direct impact on road and rail infrastructure and it is critical to ensure the adaptability of key freight works during and after extreme weather events.
  • Embedding supply chain resilience is critical to manage supply chain disruptions.
  • Ineffective land use planning is impacting the efficiency of freight operations.
  • A shortage of skilled workers is impacting the productivity of the grain freight supply chain.
GrainGrowers Seeks:
  1. Targeted long term funding for critical regional infrastructure
  2. Effective regulation of monopoly infrastructure to promote competition
  3. Reform heavy vehicle regulation to reduce red tape for growers and improve freight efficiency
  4. Standardisation of rail gauges and regulation to improving rail interoperability
  5. Road funding reform to ensure fairer outcomes for regional infrastructure
  6. Improved data collection to inform future policy and decision-making
  7. All levels of government to incorporate the National Urban Freight Planning Principles in land use decision-making.