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Grains Australia produces the Wheat Variety Master List annually. The Master List contains new varieties approved by the Wheat Classification Panel and Grains Australia Executive.

The Wheat Classification Guidelines also requires an annual review of "old varieties", these being varieties classified more than 10 years ago. Hard class varieties comprising 0.25% or more, for niche classes 5% or more, of receivals in any zone will be retained on the Master List provided there are no quality issues.

Varieties approved for removal from the Master List will be highlighted at the time of release of the Master List in August, however, can be delivered into the approved class for a further two years. After this time grain from these varieties will be received as "FEED".

The table on page 2 identifies current varieties on the Master List that are more than 10 years old, and where the variety comprises less than 0.25%, or 5% for niche, of deliveries over the past five seasons, or following a quality review, has been deemed to no longer meet the required standard.

By updating this list, the quality and competitiveness of Australian wheat classes can be directly aligned with end use market requirements, making it more attractive for customers.

Please contact GrainGrowers on (02) 9286 2000 or email with any feedback by 5PM AEST 24 June 2024.

